Tuesday Couch Potatoes - Saving Private Ryan (1998)

I could not ever forget this movie.
Heart-wrenching drama with the
heart-warming camaraderie of brotherhood as soldiers,
this movie is absolutely a 10/10! 100%! great!

Directed by one best and renown director, Steven Spieldberg
and starring Tom Hanks with Matt Damon, Edward Burns, and Tom Sizemore,
this movie is an all-time champion!
More of the review in Wikipedia.

When I watched this movie, wow!
I was amazed at the production, imagining how the movie had cost!
I'm sure all of the efforts made into the movie was worth it!
What's your TCP for today? :)

4 Responses
  1. kamz Says:

    hi julie. looks like you're a big fan of matt damon. loved this movie too! actually, we have the same entry.

    thanks for joining us this week girl. next week, we will feature ANGELS movies. hope to see you again by then. take care and happy TCP!

  2. Rossel Says:

    this is one of my husbands favorite war movies. he has a coy and watched it for about 20 times i think, lol!

  3. kimmy Says:

    i'm not much of a war movie fan, but i like this one..nice choice!

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